Value Added

At Nemo Hardwoods, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of value-added services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our services include:

  • Width Sorts: Precise sorting to ensure consistent board widths for your projects.
  • Color Sorts: Tailored color sorting for uniformity in appearance and quality.
  • Surfacing S2S: Two-sided surfacing to provide smooth, ready-to-use lumber.
  • Straight-Line Ripping S3S: Three-sided precision ripping for accurate, straight edges.
  • Gangrips: Efficient gang-ripping to maximize yield and minimize waste.
  • Custom Kiln Drying: Personalized drying solutions to achieve optimal moisture content.
  • S4S: Four-sided surfacing for perfectly squared and finished lumber.

Our commitment to quality and customization ensures that you receive the finest hardwood products tailored to your exact specifications.